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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Imagination Box Co.

Do know when you give a kid a toy and then they only play with the box?! Well, Imagination Box co. took that concept to a whole other level. Imagination Box co. are eco-friendly imagination boxes. Even the packing is re recyclable. The graphics are all hand drawn by Russ, the owner. How neat!
hey are made from high quality sturdy double-walled corrugated board. Not only do they have graphics on the outside, they also have them inside! I was sent the barn to do this review.

My kids happen to be home that day due to the snow, so I was thrilled! Here's something they can all do together! And that they did! We opened the box and they even send you a paint set. Just one. So we found some other paint brushes and painted away. My 2 year old did the roof of the bar and my 8 and 10 year old had fun painting the inside and outside! I also liked it because if brought all of us together =) The kids really worked hard on it painting the doors, ropes, vines, first aid box and other cute real life details they have inside!

My two daughters thought that it would be fun to put there dolls and barbies inside of it lol

Also, the boxes are EXTREMELY sturdy and durable. We've moved the barn from room to room many times and have yet to have any tears on it! We also flatten ours back us for easy storage!

Imagination box co
also offers castle tower, cottage, fire house and others!

Overall, my kids enjoyed this! I would recommend this to any parent!

Where to buy?


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