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Sunday, January 30, 2011


So, summer is coming up. Oh, how I have a love hate relationship with Summer. I love it because I get to get out of this darn house and watch the kiddos play but hate it because I dream swim suite time. My kids are like fish, they live in the pool at Summer time. I am always looking for a bathing suite to 'slim me down' and it's hard. So luckily I found a company that can help me before the swim suite count down! ShāToBu™ It's a product that you could actually wear and burns up to 12% more calories during normal activities! ShāToBu™ offers a variety of shapewear that is designed to helps give you are more smooth appearance while also burning extra calories with scientifically placed resistance.

"Independent scientific studies from the University of Virginia show that women who wear ShaToBu during daily activities burn UP TO 12% MORE calories during daily activities like walking or climbing stairs.
With the modern woman's hectic schedule it can be hard to find time to get to the gym, but with ShaToBu, women can fit a workout into their daily routine while enjoying a more shapely silhouette!"

How does it work?
"ShaToBu is based on the principle of resistance training. This simple, ingenious technology uses seamless resistance bands to make muscles work a little harder during natural movement, like walking or climbing stairs, while remaining comfortable underneath your clothes."

I was sent ShāToBu™ High Waist to Knee Shaper

Designed for those women who prefer slightly more form with their function, our classic-cut, High Waist to Knee ShaToBu slims and smoothes your waistline for an enhanced hourglass figure.

You'll look great and feel even better, all while burning up to 12% more calories every day.

* Extra smoothing in the tummy & love-handle area
* The perfect shapewear under a skirt or dress
* Ideal body shaper for special occasions or with fitted clothing

You can choose buff or black and sizes up to small to 3xl

My review:
I was home cleaning when I remembered I had ShāToBu™ to review. Why not kill 2 birds with one stone. I would love to burn extra calories while cleaning! So, I went to put it on and it was so small, I though I would never fit in to it!But I did, a little stretching is all it took! I felt a little extra resistance but its subtle enough to still be a comfortable fit for frequent wear. I knew it was doing it's job. I continued cleaning with it on for about a hour and felt great. I love the idea of it! I would recommended any women who's looking for a little extra help.It makes me want to work out just having it on!

1 other fun note:
With regular use 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, a woman can potentially burn up to 30,000 extra calories in one year with ShaToBu” =))

Where to buy it?
Purchase through their website:
Search for a local retailer with their Store Locator


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